AUPA PhD Supervision Conference
AUPA invites all PhD students to join the virtual 1-day PhD conference. This year’s theme is supervision. Through lectures and workshops, you will gain insights into various aspects and key issues of the supervision process. Both researchers and experts on ph.d.-supervision will participate, and you will get the opportunity to pose questions and take part in discussions on insights and challenges related to your own navigation of the supervision process or supervision in general. Potential themes include interpersonal relations (supervisors, co-researchers), publication dilemmas and power dynamics.
Info about event

11:30 - 11:35 Welcome by AUPA
11:35 - 12:15 Welcome and Keynote talk: Finding the hidden treasures in doctoral education – through peers and supervisor. The introductory keynote will be presented by doctoral supervision researcher Senior Associate Lecturer Sofie Kobayashi (UCC).
- Doctoral education has been described through various metaphors, like a journey or a quest. Here, I will use the metaphor of a landscape, with roads and tracks, ditches and bushes, and with detours that can enrich the experience when you find treasures hidden in the ditches or bushes. Your peers may see this landscape differently, and they may know adjacent landscapes. Your supervisors may have a better overview of the landscape. In this talk I will explore ways to search and harness the hidden curriculum in doctoral education. Ways that we have seen can help making the experience more enjoyable.
12:25 - 13:25 Workshop: Making supervision work for you.
- Following the keynote speaker and a short break, supervision researcher Associate Professor Gitte Wichman-Hansen (AU) will be hosting a workshop on more practical aspects of how to manage the supervision process. The workshop will be hands-on with break-out rooms.
13:35 - 14:30 Panel debate: Dilemmas in supervision
- Finally, we conclude the conference with a panel debate in which real, concrete dilemmas related to supervision brought up anonymously by conference participants are discussed by Assoc. Lecturer Sofie Kobayashi, Assoc. Prof. Gitte Wichman-Hansen, Prof. Ebba Nexø and Prof. Peter Krøjgaard (inspired by the Danish radio show ‘Mads & Monopolet’).
Each section is followed by a short break. The entire event is moderated by Line Friis Frederiksen. The webinar is online and free of charge, but registration is required.
AUPA strives to improve the conditions for PhD students in all of Aarhus University. If you would like to learn more about AUPA’s work, please feel free to attend our General Assembly, visit our webpage or Facebook.
For further information about the event or registration, contact Mathilde Brøndum Reeh.