Aarhus University Seal

About the PhD & Postdoc Activity Group

The PhD and Postdoc Activity Group is a volunteer group of PhD students and postdocs who organise monthly social activities primarily aimed at PhD students and postdocs at all Aarhus University faculties – Danes as well as internationals. The group is a part of AUPA and we often organise social events with AUPA but also independently. 

We normally organise our activities and events in or near the Aarhus city center or at the Studenthouse at AU.

All of our events take place in English and are normally free of charge.

Why join the PhD and Postdoc Activity Group?

We encourage researchers from all faculties to join our board and help us reach as many PhDs and postdocs as possible.

The PhD and Postdoc Activity Group is always looking for new board members to strengthen our team and contribute to our work.

Join us if you:

  • Have great ideas, or maybe a hobby or passion that you think your fellow PhD students or postdocs might share
  • Are willing to devote some of your free time to us
  • Want to be a part of and contribute to social life at Aarhus University
  • Are enthusiastic about making life more fun for your fellow PhD students and postdocs!

What’s in it for you?

Not only will you only gain some great experience working with your fellow researchers, you will also make new friends, expand your network and be inspired by other perspectives on PhD and postdoc life.

How to join the group

We are always looking for new board members who are interested in joining the board to help us improve the social life for PhDs and junior researchers at Aarhus University. Our board members are formally elected at AUPA's annual general assembly in the beginning of the calender year, but in the meantime you are always welcome to attend our events.

However, if you just now discovered that you want to be a part of the PhD and Postdoc activity group, and can't wait for the next general assemnly, you are more than welcome to write us an e-mail.

If you are not interested in joining the board, you can also contribute by letting us know what kinds of events you would like in the future. All ideas and suggestions are welcome!

Rules regarding funding

It is possible to apply for funding for different kinds of events from the group. The events need to meet certain criteria in order to receive support.

Read the rules regarding funding